Another Weekend...

Another weekend comes...

Thank God the rain finally subsided and the typhoon at last left the Philippine area of responsibility, sooooo relieving!!!

I don't know but I only felt this thing now---I missed Davao City :-( my peaceful and quiet life, the environment, the lifestyle, my weekend routine...everything...
My weekend early morning routine back in Davao: Jogging at People's Park 
and joining Taebo and Latin Dance exercise

 Taebo session at People's Park

During weekend, I would go to People's Park early in the morning, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, to jog and join aerobics, I loved it because I had the luxury of time to think about my life, the soft breeze of the morning air brought relief to my tired mind and body. I would run as fast as I could then joined folks at the Taebo and Latin Dance session. It was a very simple and yet fulfilling weekend routine.
Jogging at the Park with my colleagues in the university, Sheila and Cindy

But I have a very different life now. Asked me if I regretted my decision to come to Metro Manila? My answer of course is a big NO!!

I know God put me here for something. I am confident He has a bigger and better plan for me, all I have to do is wait for the right moment to come. I know I am getting there. 

Several months ago, when I pondered hard where to go after my masteral graduation, my emotion was in chaos. I was torn between holding back and moving on until one afternoon circumstances forced me to decide.

Now, I cannot help but think...why it happened? 

Well, maybe a very significant message from God is just hidden between those circumstances. 

There's one at least beautiful lesson I got from Rissa Singson-Kawpeng, Editor-in-Chief of Kerygma magazine. She wrote in her "Just Breathe" column, about the value of waiting which she compared to the attitude of the Japanese potters:

"In Japan, potters carefully mold the clay and waited long to release the bubbles before they would put it on the molding jar..."

Rissa concluded the story with...

"God has a purpose for our waiting. He's actually preparing us so that when it's time for us to move on, we won't crack under pressure". Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

"Where we are is where God wants us to be. No "ifs", no "buts". If we believe that there's no ifs in God's world, then we can rest assured that where we are right now and how we got here is where God exactly wants us to be". For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

"When God doesn't reveal His plans clearly, maybe He is teaching us something better, something better than clarity".

Here's one beautiful text message I received from a close friend:

"When God know you are ready for the responsibility of commitment, He will reveal the right person for you under the right circumstances, so wait patiently, don't waste your time searching and wishing for someone to come into your life, grow and be ready, and you will see, God will give you a love story far better than what you've been dreaming"

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