Beauche Cosmetics

When it comes to eradicating pimples and acne effectively, nothing beats Beauche cosmetics. Its effectiveness is so fantastic and I can attest to that.

I've been suffering from skin blemishes and acne since high school and until in my early 30s these skin enemies did not leave my precious skin, until a friend of mine introduced Beauche in 2007. At first I hesitated to try it since I was already tired using all possible remedies available in the world but to no avail, but my friend insisted, so I finally gave in. It took three weeks before I saw the result and I was amazed! For many years  acne and pimples and skin blemishes sprouted in my skin, especially during heavy days, like annoying fellows that I am accustomed to its presence, I did not even think that I can still find an effective solution on this, so I made up my mind to just wait for the days that all oils will be secreted out from my body. Luckily for me, Beauche works its magic on my skin. This wonderful skin solution will not only eliminate acne for good but it makes the skin looks younger, smoother and glowing too!

 Finally I get rid of those annoying pimples and acne. Unlike other astringents for acne, beauche astringent (clarifying lotion) is not really painful, it has a stingy feeling but the effect on my skin is not really damaging as I never experienced any redness on my face. For three weeks in 2007, my skin had an amazing rebirth attaining a different vigor and radiance.

Beauche is a night-and-day application, this is also applicable to men whose skin is also ravaged by irritating acne. To see a very effective result, you must buy one set, depending on the manner of application, usually it lasts one month for first time users. Each set contains the following:

One Skin Toner
One Clarifying Lotion
One Exfoliating Cream
One Rejuvinating Cream
One Age Eraser Cream (also serve as sunblock)
One Soap

Night Procedure:
Apply skin toner using a cotton. Then wash it thoroughly with water and soap. Pat it dry. Apply substantial amount of exfoliating cream, let it stay for 15 minutes then apply rejuvinating cream.

Morning Procedure:
In the morning before you wash your face, rub ice cubes on your face to lift dead skin cells, then wash it with water and soap, before you leave the house, apply the age eraser cream.

...Then you are on the road of acne-free skin...


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